Nicole L. Turner Consulting is a MBE/SBE/DBE certified woman-owned management consulting firm passionate about helping organizations create workplaces where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to do their best work. We assess the current organizational culture and climate and design culture initiatives to transform organizational culture. We believe a strong, healthy organizational culture is not just a "nice-to-have" but a critical element for an organization's long-term success. It influences employee morale, performance, innovation, and it also affects the bottom line. Organizational culture plays a fundamental role in the success and sustainability of any organization. Nicole L. Turner Consulting is a trusted C-suite advisor on change and transformation.


    Company Profile


    Our mission is to create a workplace that values and supports a people-centered culture and promotes a healthy organization.


    Our core purpose is to help our clients create trust-based
    organizations. We achieve this by building relationships
    based on honesty, transparency and truth with our
    customers and partners.



    We maintain alignment among our beliefs, intentions, and actions.

    We commit to engagements that align with our core values and strengths

    and will make a positive impact in our client organizations.



    We acknowledge and honor all opinions and positions.

    We ensure others feel valued and heard. We provide opportunities

    for everyone to express ideas and concerns.



    We are in this together. No one person is more valuable than the sum

    of the parts. We stand "shoulder to shoulder" with our

    customers and partners to achieve all objectives.

  • Meet Nicole L. Turner


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    The Culture Pro™

    Nicole L. Turner is known for her expertise in helping organizations create people-centered workplaces, as well as serving as an advisor during organizational change. Nicole has dedicated herself to transforming workplaces into environments that prioritize the well-being and growth of employees, thus resulting in overall organizational success. As an organizational consultant, she collaborates with organizations to develop strategies that foster a positive culture, increase employee engagement, and improve overall organizational effectiveness. Her deep understanding of human dynamics and organizational behavior enables her to guide organizations and leaders through change.


    In addition to her work with organizations, Nicole has a passion for supporting small businesses. As a small business advisor, she provides valuable insights and strategies to help entrepreneurs and business owners uncover the gap between where they are today and where they want to be. Nicole is also a mentor with the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center where she mentors other business owners.


    Nicole holds graduate degrees in Education and Business, Nicole also holds a graduate certificate in Diversity Studies, and is a certified Human Capital Strategist, a Prosci-certified Change Manager, and a Co-Active trained Coach. Nicole is the author of several books and is a sought-after speaker and panelist.

  • Past and Current Clients

    Nicole L. Turner Consulting is equipped to support government, commercial, non-profit, healthcare, and higher education clients.
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