Inclusion and Equity: The Cornerstones of Diversity and Accessibility in the Workplace

· diversity,DEIA,diversity and inclusion,equity,inclusion

In recent years, workplaces have undergone a transformation in its approach to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA). The importance of fostering diverse and accessible workplaces has never been more prominent, and organizations worldwide are committed to embracing this change. Yet, there is a fundamental concept that often gets overlooked - the idea that when inclusion and equity are prioritized, diversity and accessibility will naturally follow. A genuinely inclusive and equitable workplace is, by its very nature, diverse and accessible for those with disabilities.

Understanding the Relationship

To appreciate the relationship between inclusion, equity, diversity, and accessibility, one must take a deeper dive into the core principles of each aspect:

  1. Inclusion: Inclusion refers to the practice of actively involving and valuing all employees, regardless of their background, characteristics, or differences. An inclusive workplace recognizes the unique perspectives and contributions of each individual.
  2. Equity: Equity involves ensuring fairness in opportunities and treatment for all employees. It's about addressing historical and systemic imbalances and striving to provide everyone with the
    resources they need to succeed.
  3. Diversity: Diversity encompasses the variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and characteristics present in the workplace. It includes elements like gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and more.
  4. Accessibility: Accessibility pertains to making the workplace and its offerings available and usable for all, including individuals with disabilities. This involves removing physical and digital
    barriers and offering accommodation as needed.

The Interconnectedness of DEIA

Inclusivity and equity are the bedrock upon which a diverse and accessible workplace is built. When an organization places a strong emphasis on inclusion and equity, it inherently fosters diversity by welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Employees feel valued, appreciated, and supported, leading to a broader range of perspectives and skills within the workforce. Equity ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute, creating a level playing field and a more diverse talent pool.

Additionally, an inclusive and equitable environment is naturally more accessible. The commitment to equity extends to accommodating individuals with disabilities, providing accessible workspaces, technology, and support. This ensures that employees with disabilities have the same opportunities for growth and success as their peers, further enhancing diversity within the organization.

Benefits of Prioritizing Inclusion and Equity

  1. Improved Employee Engagement: When individuals feel included and valued, they are more engaged and committed to their work and the organization. This, in turn, enhances productivity and creativity.
  2. Enhanced Problem Solving: Diverse teams, fostered through inclusion and equity, are better equipped to tackle complex problems. A multitude of perspectives leads to more comprehensive and innovative solutions.
  3. Attracting Top Talent: Organizations that prioritize DEIA, particularly inclusion and equity, become attractive to a wider range of candidates, helping them recruit and retain top talent.
  4. Better Decision-Making: Diverse teams are more likely to make well-informed decisions because they consider a broader array of viewpoints and experiences.
  5. Legal and Ethical Compliance: Prioritizing inclusion and equity also ensures compliance with legal and ethical obligations, protecting the organization from potential lawsuits and damage to its reputation.

In the realm of DEIA, it is crucial to understand the intricate connection between inclusion, equity, diversity, and accessibility. By making inclusion and equity the cornerstones of your workplace culture, organizations naturally become more diverse and accessible. In essence, if you get inclusion and equity right, diversity and accessibility will automatically benefit. To create a workplace that genuinely embraces diversity and accessibility, organizations must prioritize inclusivity and equity, recognizing that a diverse and disability-inclusive workforce is a natural outcome of these foundational principles. It's a win-win approach that benefits employees and the organization as a whole, leading to a more innovative, successful, and ethically sound future.

NicoleL. Turner is a DEI expert with over 15 years’ experience in diversity, equity, and inclusion. For several years, Nicole served as a Diversity Value Index Judge. As a judge, she used defined metrics and benchmarks to assess how organizations are implementing Diversity and Inclusion programs and leveraging those programs to create business impact. Nicole works with organizations to conduct a DEI audit and assessment, develop a DEI strategy, conduct DEI training, and if needed, serves as an interim Chief Diversity Officer. At Nicole L. Turner Consulting, we transform organizations by helping them create people-centered workplaces. Visit or email to learn more about how we can support you and your organization.